
Creating an AI Framework

Responsible Use in Human Resources, Learning & Development 
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Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4


Hello and welcome to this course on Creating an AI Framework! This course is specifically for participants working in a Human Resources or Learning and development role and are using AI or considering using AI in the workplace.

Navigating this course

This course consists of four lessons. Access each lesson by selecting the links on the left side of the page. You must complete each lesson in order and you will not be able to access the next lesson until you have completed the one before it.

There is a navigation bar at the top of the page consisting of:

Why you are here and what you will learn

Technology is rapidly changing the learning and development (L&D) landscape in corporations across the world. Automated Intelligence (AI), is the most recent innovation gaining popularity in business organizations for its potential to improve processes, provide rapid upskilling, and human development. Learning and development professionals must adapt to this expansive change as well as understand their professional responsibilities when leveraging AI tools for teaching and learning. It is important to understand how AI is changing the corporate learning environment, and what opportunities AI brings to corporate L&D. Developing a framework for responsible use of AI in corporate L&D may help provide guiding principles for human resource and L&D professionals using AI in their daily work.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Define how AI tools can improve processes.
  2. Determine how new AI tools can replace current tools used for content development.
  3. Identify responsible use of AI in developing learning content.
  4. Determine elements needed for an AI framework.
  5. Create a graphic depicting an AI framework with the elements that indicate responsible use of AI tools.

Select Lesson 1 in the left menu when you are ready to begin.